Amani from Jordan, as she tells the story of her divorce from her husband. The interview fee is Ahmed Naji, a journalist at

Amani from Jordan, as she tells the story of her divorce from her husband. The interview fee is Ahmed Naji, a journalist at 

Amani says pay attention to the advice (brother / sister)

He is better and kinder than my family. "Amani", 27 years old, says that she asks her husband to return to escape the "humiliation" of her family.

A year after the divorce, her situation worsened in her parents' home, and she became the object of everyone's contempt.

Everyone makes fun of her and verbally underestimates her. Her male siblings prevent her from living a normal life.

My life after the divorce turned 360 degrees, everyone turned against me, and I got mad at her number one home.

 My husband complied with her, but he regretted it too late, and I wish now that he would bring me back to one dwelling I hope for, at least he is more merciful than my family.

I don't want to look in the eyes of my children who are missing any part, whether it is a father or a mother. This is how she said:

Fate wanted her to divorce her husband, who has been imprisoned for more than nine years on charges of drug smuggling.

And then he was sentenced to 14 years in prison - fearing for the future of her children, and therefore she lived bearing.

The title of "divorced" for nine years says she tasted both issues, whether from the point of view of society, family or harassment,

She submitted an official request through her lawyer to her husband, who is at the level of the penal institution,

In the city of Ain and Sarah, explaining that he agreed to return, especially since the divorce was against his will, he welcomed her return to his life.

I still love him, that's how Amani summed it up in one word

And if the circumstances accompanying the request to return to the former husband and withdraw from the decision to divorce are in the foregoing,

Because of the family and society’s view of inferiority and the fear of displacement and disintegration of children,

Submitting a request to return to her ex-husband because she loves him despite the passage of more than nine years since their divorce:

I still love my ex-husband and I can't imagine my life with anyone else. What happened has happened,

And our divorce was a mistake for the two of us. I hope he accepts back."

In the coming period, her husband will be released from prison and brought back to his care.

And, God willing, we, the site management, will provide any assistance that falls on our shoulders, with best wishes and success for this family. Thank you.

Some people's opinions

1 What's wrong with that? But where is the prohibition in that? It is good for a person to correct their mistake and try to fix it before it is too late.

If they return, it is very happy and they cannot return, so we hope that God will release the cruelty of our brothers. But all this is caused by weakness of faith,

And self-love, pride, greed, lying, and many other outlets.

 The devil is taking advantage of be humble, but she's good.

2 Although there are exceptional cases in which the husband may have committed accidental perfidy,

However, the trust of the honest wife has exploded, so he apologizes and corrects his mistake, and returning is necessary on the condition that the mistake is not repeated

 But circumstances and predestination have provisions. There are those who have no breadwinner and no support for the tent, even if it is torn, and the morning bread is better than the emptiness.

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