The Turkish Penal Code states that the legal age for marriage is under 18 years.

The Turkish Penal Code states that the legal age for marriage is under 18 years.

Refugees, including Syrians who wish to marry in Turkey, are subject to Turkish law and procedures.

Informal marriage with a child (anyone who has not completed 18 years of age) is illegal,

It is considered a crime and is punishable under the Turkish Penal Code.

Polygamy: As with child marriage, marriage to more than one person (polygamy) is illegal and punishable in Turkey.

Domestic violence is any physical, sexual, psychological, verbal or economic violence between one person and another.

It can be perpetrated by family members and/or by people who are considered family members, whether or not they live in the same household.

A crime punishable under the Turkish Penal Code.

Harmful practices include female genital mutilation, honor killings, polygamy (marrying more than one person),

Child marriage (anyone who has not completed 18 years of age), forced marriage (i.e. a marriage imposed on someone's will)

and all forms of sexual violence. Gender-based violence, including domestic violence, forced and child marriage,

It violates basic human rights and is punishable under the Turkish Penal Code.

Turkish Police Helpline

156: Turkish Gendarmerie Helpline. Available in Turkish.

155: Turkish Police Helpline. Available in Turkish.

183: Guideline of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies for Family, Women, Children and Persons with Disabilities.

 Arabic speaking staff is available.

* Types of sexual and gender-based violence by a family member

If you have experienced any kind of sexual and gender-based violence from a family member or someone outside your family,

Or if you witness this violence, please remember that you have rights under Turkish law. Violent incidents must be reported,

Whether directed to you or to another person, to one of the following entities:

Police stations (Turkish: Police Merczeliere) or regional security directorates,

regional directorates of family and social policy,

Social services centers operating within the framework of the regional directorates of family and social policies,

Violence Prevention and Control Centers (Turkish: iddet Önleme in İzleme Mercury (ŞÖNİM)),

and public health institutions and hospitals (Turkish: Kuruluşları),

Public Prosecution Offices (Turkish: Kumhuriyet Savcılığı),

Bar Associations (Turkish: Parular Adeli Yardim Corollari),

Gendarmerie (Turkish: Karakolları Jandala)

Including Women's Rights Centers in Bar Associations (Turkish: Parulan Caden Danzma Merczleri))

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